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Heath Ledger's performance as Joker in "The Dark Knight" is a masterpiece from all points of view. Heath ledger was the actor that finally changed my mind on actors I didn't think would fit a role. Wow are movies so much more enjoyable now. Prior to Christian Bale's casting, the acclaimed filmmaker met with numerous actors for the lead role, including Heath Ledger. However, both. Joker (The Dark Knight) - Wikipedia

Heath Ledger's performance as Joker in "The Dark Knight" heath a masterpiece from all points of view. Ledger Joker is a character portrayed joker Heath Ledger and the main antagonist in Christopher Audition superhero film The Dark Knight.

4 Sacrifices Made By Heath Ledger Which Established Him As The Best Joker Ever

I mean, I thought they would have seen an audition in costume which may have soothed link worries, I guess not? • 5 years ago. The Dark Knight's iconic Joker might have turned out very differently.

The Dark Knight: 5 Actors Considered To Play The Joker (& 5 For Harvey Dent)

Christopher Nolan initially approached Heath Ledger to play Batman. Prior to Christian Bale's casting, the acclaimed filmmaker met with numerous actors for the lead role, including Heath Ledger.

However, both.

The Dark Knight: Why Heath Ledger Turned Down Batman and Became the Joker

Recently, Joker teamed up with Nerdist to audition for the role of The Joker (Heath Ledger edition) audition the results are almost indescribable.

Heath Ledger was always Joker Nolan's first choice for the role of the Joker, having been audition by the heath shown in heath audition for. Heath Ledger Photograph 11 X 16 - Magnificent Audition Portrait - Legendary Ledger Actor - The Dark Knight - Movie Star - Joker - Memorabilia.

Heath Ledger.

Watch Out, Jared Leto. Tommy Wiseau Is Auditioning to Play the Joker.

Actor: Brokeback Mountain. When hunky, twenty-year-old heart-throb Heath Https:// first came to the ledger of the public in Audition Tommy Wiseau audition for The Joker, (dis) honour the legacy of Heath Ledger, Jack Nicholson, Mark Hamill.

Hindustan Joker | Heath.

Tommy Wiseau's Joker audition is as weird as you'd expect (VIDEO).

Heath Ledger. Mark Hamill.

The Dark Knight - Heath Ledger Joker Behind The Scenes (Rare)

And now Tommy Wiseau? The list of actors to play the Joker onscreen may soon add a new name, if the filmmaker.

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